3 hours – three encores. What can you say? The guy has a calm casual persona that tends to endear most everybody he meets. Bob was great. The band was great. And the sound. It was bloody fantastic. It was so damn clean and clear that, I swear, you could hear the pin stripes on Bob’s suit. Amazing really when you consider, the little PS8’s are so small, it almost looked like there was no PA system at all. We are talking about the whole front of stage being almost dwarfed by Bob’s drink bottle.
Believe it or not, this is the Nexo PS8 doing front fill (almost entirely hiden by some punters head).
Sean Busby-Little was in control of FOH and he did a great job. Sean, as you would expect, has worked throughout the world and used a multitude of systems. He has been using Nexo’s in the UK but said “This has to be one of the best setups I believe I have used” and then with tongue in cheek he went on to say “It must be the air down under or something”.
But seriously, Sean only had extremely nice things to say about the setup. Big credit really to the whole crew. Not so much for any effort of lugging boxes, but simply for the careful and thoughtful placement of the system. Dave Paul (Monitors) explained “Piece of piss, really” as if it was no big deal and then went on to talking about skateboard design. He was not too far from the mark. It does all get a bit easy when your whole system is so small.
Checkout: www.johnstonaudioservices.com