Now now folks behave yourselves, we’re talking about beer here. Queensland beer to be exact. Summer Bright XXXX beer to be even more exact. In a clever and very cool marketing campaign the XXXX Brewery has created the Summer Bright XXXX Kombi van which is essentially a mobile party bus. Currently touring Australia, the Kombi is spreading the word about Summer Bright XXXX. A slew of DJ’s have been jumping in and out of the Kombi including celebrity DJ’s the Stafford Brothers. With such a cast of beat mixers on tour, it was only fit that Nexo delivered the tunes to the beer drinking and increasingly loose punters.

Dominica Sound in Queensland were right on the case when XXXX felt their existing system (one which shall not be named) was not making enough impact with XXXX fans. A pair of Nexo PS15 R2’s were supplied to the Kombi and the crew on tour instantly decided on them as Russell Baker from Dominica recalls. “The XXXX Summer Bright Kombi wasn’t getting any performance out of their old system at high levels. A lot of their gigs were to larger crowds but the number of people around varied quite a bit depending on the town they stopped in. The PS15 R2’s were perfect as they sound great at any volume and have loads of power when needed.” Feedback from the XXXX crew was very positive also. “Everybody loves it. The sound has never been better. They’ve had no issue regardless of the crowd size and heaps of punch and throw. Great investment.”