DiGiCo unveiled their new Audio Routing software for SD Series consoles at Pro Light & Sound 2013.
DiGiCo Managing Director James Gordon presenting the latest software innovations over a champagne breakfast
DiGiCo was the first console manufacturer to offer advanced live sound digital recording. As long ago as 2002, the now legendary D5 Live offered digital recording connection to almost all digital audio workstations. Others followed, but no console brand offered the same flexibility across platforms for show and sound check recording with seamless playback.
2013 sees the arrival of a matrix style Audio Router, which will deliver even more flexibility to your SD system, providing a user-defined recording path for every system input, whether from stage or locally on the console, for seamless recording and playback – and all without taking up any of the console’s resources.
“All of the system I/O is made available in a cross point router format, where any input can be copied to single or multiple outputs on any port,” explains Roger Wood, head of software development at DiGiCo. “The new ‘Copy Audio’ panel provides you with an independent audio router. For playback, you simply press the ‘Listen to Copied Audio’ button and any channels that were fed by copied live signals will then switch to your nominated playback sources. Any input can be set to ‘Listen Safe’ mode, which allows you to quickly replace the playback signal with the live mic on a per channel basis.”
The Audio Router will make its first appearance on Bruno Mars’ The Moonshine Jungle tour this summer.