An installation design by Alastair Leslie of LT Projects for system integrator Krome Technologies features NEXO’s ID24 and super-compact ID14 loudspeakers for a new state-of-the-art motion capture studio.

Built for an exclusive client in the UK, requirements for the motion capture studio included a unique immersive sound environment, as Leslie explains- “There is 5.1 Dolby atmos, acoustic treatment in the ceiling, floor and walls, 86 cameras for allangle capture and an UHD projection system. The point of the ID Series system, mounted in the ceiling grid, is to deliver clear immersive sound for the motion capture actors, so that they can really get a feel for the action. The ID14s are used for voiceover and point source vocal direction.”
Leslie continues, “I really like the ID24s in this space. They fit with the non-classic futuristic style, which is one of the reasons why they were chosen, other than the sound of course!”

The ID14 and ID24 cabinets together with partner subbass, and NXAMP4x1Mk2 controller amplifiers were supplied by NEXO’s UK distributor AC Entertainment Technologies.